Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Body & Mind

  "I can feel some very strong colors coming from you.  I see a lot of greens, and yellows, and blues.  There's a bit of orange, which makes me worry that you might have cancer, or maybe someone in your family has cancer?  But you are strong, and whatever is releasing this 'orange-ness' won't envelope your spirit.

  "This is an old, traditional technique, comes from Japan.  The Japanese word translated, literally, means 'spiritual atmosphere'.  So that's what we're dealing with here.  The body wants to heal itself.  When you cut your finger on a piece of paper, what do you do?  Well, you wash your hands, and seal the wound, and in a day or two -- poof!  Your blood began to clot, and your body is taking care of itself.  And that happens all the time, the body is correcting things for you.  You just don't always get the chance to see it because it's happening inside your body.  Or inside your soul.

  "I'm no master at this yet, but I have been studying hard.  I feel confident enough to know what to do with my hands.  You're not the first person I've done this with.  I have gone through a period of fasting and seclusion and meditation, and since then, my mind has been more attuned to the auras of other people, and my eyes have really opened up to the possibilities of what I can do -- or, I should rather say, my mind has opened up.  There's really nothing I value more than my ability to achieve this sort of enlightenment.  It's very...freeing."

  Marvin continued to talk as he gently, but firmly, sifted through Bernadette's long brown hair with his grubby fingers; the same grubby fingers that wouldn't wash his own dirty dreadlocks.  Poor Bernadette was too open-minded to reject Marvin's sexual-advances-disguised-as-spiritual-healing-methods.  I wanted to interrupt.  I thought of requesting Marvin to put his gross fingers through my hair, just to save her.  But I didn't.

  "I'll bet you find that some things are very restrictive, or you're being held back by outside forces.  But if you clear your mind of Earthly worries, while still remaining humble to your environment, the can'll find yourself unable to be held back.  If you'd like to meet up some time and talk about it in more detail...I know a great deal now, but there's so much more to learn, and I can teach you what I've learned so far."

   The image of Marvin attempting to seduce Bernadette in this manner had left me disgusted.  My only consolation was that I knew Bernadette was too smart to 'meet up' with him at a later time.  She would not be the only one.  

  Eventually Marvin would seduce a stupid girl using this method.  They would fall in love, and deserve each other.

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