Wednesday, August 11, 2010

There Was The Beach

There was the beach
There was night
There was me
And there was you
Only you weren't actually there.

But there was the beach
There was night
There was me
There was you
And there were my thoughts.

There was the beach
There was night
There was me
There was you, and
There was nobody else.

There were stars
There were waves
It was high tide or low tide: I had no reference.
There was sand, made into a bed so we could have our way with each other. But especially me because it was my idea.

There were dark houses with dark patios, just in case.
There was mist!
There were seashells
There was -- oh, shit -- there was some guy running across the shore, but there was also his own business which he would mind.

There was lust spilling all over the place
There was me
There was you
There were genuine hearts. Two of them.

There was the beach
There was night

There was me.

-Long Beach Island, NJ 7/9/10

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